Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinco de "Drinko" & Walk for Animals 2013

WHAT a cray-cray weekend. I am barely able to function today due to the lack of sleep and abundance of fun.
Friday night for the Alpha Rev/Ben Rector concert - turned out to be a BLAST. Maybe a little too much fun with my girls Kinz and Kat, but we had a good time. Lots of dancing and laughing.
The concert was awesome. We met the lead singer of Alpha Rev who turned out to be a really nice and chill guy.
My only regret was not enough dinner and lack of sleep for the Walk SUPER early on Sat morning...
The 2013 Walk for Animals was awesome. The weather somewhat cooperated and didnt rain on us, although it was quite chilly out (39 degrees at 8am). We trooped it  with a group of 15-20 people and pups. Griffin did great but was pooped out so Brady and I turned around after about a mile and half, so we walked probably 3 of the 5 total miles.

Here are some fun photos from the day!
- The big boy, Windsor, is a Bermese Mountain Dog and totally resembles Griffin's coloring. "Dad?"
-  my friend, Lacey, raised over $1,000 personnally so I had to get a shot of her cool button!
- We all sported our awesome "Gunnie's Pack" t-shirts too!
- the little one is Maddie, she is Steph and Justin's niece and was sooo adorable. Like usual. :)

Gunnie's PACK!

Awesome ladies for margs after the Walk!

Saturday night we had people over and played the FUNNIEST game ever. "Cards Against Humanity" and ordered yummy pizza. This game - think a not "PC" dirtier version of Apples to Apples. Yep. I instantly went on Amazon and bought my own copy. TOO funny.
Sunday was SO beautiful outside - thank god - so some friends came over to sit on our patio. Enjoy "Strawbaritas" (Google that. Yum!) and eat some tacos. It was such a fun day! Brady and I ended the beautiful day with an evening walk with the pups and our Sunday night shows.
Anyways - it was an AMAZING and fun weekend with friends, who really are family! I loved every minute of it. And now it's Monday, but it's 75 degrees out so I will enjoy it!!


  1. I love that our weekends just went along together... for 90% of the weekend. I'm still celebrating Cinco de Mayo - Chipotle for lunch and Margarita Monday HH at the Liffey with Katie & Annika - I might even bike there. I LOVE WARM WEATHER.

  2. Looks like so much fun. My dog would LOOOOVE a walk like that! Strawbaritas? I think I love!
    Found you from the linkup, would love if you have time to stop by mine! Following on bloglovin too! Can't wait to read more posts

  3. I love this! And I love you! :)

  4. I just bought Cards Against Humanity a few weeks ago. So much fun!! Found your blog through the I Wore Yoga Pants link up.
